


TCCA planned to launch its Job Shadowing Project in early 2021, but due to Covid has delayed its start until it is safe to do so. In addition with the levels of rising unemployment mean that the need to facilitate this project has become that more imperative, in order that the young are able to experience work places, and roles that are generally seen out of reach such as politic, accounts, legal. It will also aim to encourage members of our community who are further side-lined from those careers such as women, disabled and those with learning difficulties. We feel that any chosen career should be within reach and not subject to any form of discrimination or barriers that may exist. The scheme has 21 successful Turkish Cypriots who have agreed to allow shadowing within their environments and we will hopefully match from summer 2021, but this will be highly dependent on the situation in respect of Covid.

Shadowing could include:

  • Observation of daily routine (What does it mean to sit in a cube or office?).
  • Participation in meetings or presentations.
  • Listening in on customer/ conference calls.
  • Facility tour.
  • Speaking with a variety of employees in different departments & review of organisational chart.
  • If applicable, a “hands on” project/assignment.
  • All those who participate will be given a reference.