
Mek Mehmet Yesil
Mek Mehmet Yesil

Funded by

Health Screen

TCCA arranges every six months for screening of users and staff. This helps support the wellbeing of those illness that may go undiagnosed.

Why does screening important for WELLBEING

Screening is a way of identifying apparently healthy people who may have an increased risk of a particular condition. The NHS offers a range of screening tests to different sections of the population. The aim is to offer screening to the people who are most likely to benefit from it. For example, some screening tests are only offered to women or older people


Screening results

If you have a higher-risk result (a screen positive result), it means you may have the condition that you've been tested for. At this point, you will be offered further tests (called diagnostic tests) to confirm if you have the condition. You can then be offered treatment, advice and support. Finding out about a problem early can mean that treatment is more effective. However, screening tests are not perfect and they can lead to difficult decisions about having further tests or treatment. Read on to find out about the benefits, risks and limitations of screening.

The screening at TCCA began in 2015 and has continued ever since.